Church of Spiritual Awakening


Mr. Lionel Owen

Lionel was born in England and now lives in Rio, Brazil.

He is fascinated by words and loves reading poetry and well written books. which is probable why he became a writer. He has written two books "The Gift." and "Please God Why?"

Music is another great love of his and though Mozart and the great classical composers are his favorites, he also enjoys pop and indigenous music like Samba and Tango.

He is a lifelong Spiritualist and has always believed in eternal life.

Encouraged to develop as a medium at an early age, he considers himself fortunate to have worked all over the world sharing his mediumship and trying to teach others to develop theirs.

Lionel has been helped by many well known mediums who he considers to be his friends and teachers.

He has taught at Britain's "University of Spiritualism," the Arthur Findlay College of Psychic Science, Stansted Hall and was for nine years President of The International Spiritualist Federation.