Church of Spiritual Awakening


Pauline Gold

Pauline is an intuitive medium and healer based in Cassadaga, Florida.

Since a very young age, Pauline has always been very sensitive to her surroundings. She was raised Jewish and even though her family believed in God; she never fit into the mold of a “Jewish girl” and did not blend with that belief system very well. She never questioned whether there was a God, but there was always an inner knowing of a very deep spiritual connection with all beings. Pauline believes God is expressed through all Nature.

Pauline’s willingness to purse her spiritual life to the next level enabled her to visit Cassadaga and thus began her studies in Healing and Mediumship. She was led back to her faith in God and her love and compassion for all Beings. Love, compassion and a belief in God are not proven philosophically, but they can be lived daily in each and every moment we walk on this earth with our kindred spirits.

Pauline's spiritual journey has illuminated her life and the lives of many others, bringing new levels of clarity, serenity and compassion. It is an honor to be a messenger between worlds, bringing comfort and peace that can nurture and expand growth. While her goal is to help you recognize your own life visions as she offers her intuitive insights for your highest best along your journey called Life.