Church of Spiritual Awakening


Rev. Don Zanghi

Rev. Don Zanghi, SCSCMA certified Medium, Teacher, and Ordained Minister.

Rev. Zanghi has been a certified medium, healer and teacher for several years. His interest in mediumship was inspired by an experience he had in Camp Lily Dale, NY and rekindled when he moved to Florida and began classes at Cassadaga.

Don is a member and student of many metaphysical and esoteric traditions in search of metaphysical truth teachings, he has visited Machu Picchu Peru, Egypt, India, and Canada.

He and his wife Jeanette co-authored the book Rickshaw 110: Road to Sai Baba. Rev. Zanghi is an Associate Pastor at Colby Memorial Temple who specializes in spiritual counseling, teaching, séances, and spirit mediumship.

Don is a devoted student and teacher who resides in Cassadaga with his wife, and three cats.