Church of Spiritual Awakening


Rev. Robert (Bob) Johnstone

Reverend Robert (Bob) Johnstone is an Ordained Spiritual Minister, Certified Spiritual Healer, Medium and Teacher.

Reverend Johnstone has done workshops throughout Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom working with both Edgar Cayce Materials and Spiritual Development Materials.

(Edgar Cayce is considered America's most documented psychic). The Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc. (A.R.E. ®), is a not-for-profit organization, founded in 1931 by Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), to research and explore transpersonal subjects such as holistic health, ancient mysteries, personal spirituality, dreams and dream interpretation, intuition, and philosophy and reincarnation.

Rev. Johnstone has been an active member in the Edgar Cayce work for over twenty-five years, and has worked with the Edgar Cayce Area Team as a Coordinator for Quebec.


He also spends part of the year in the Cassadaga Spiritual Community in Cassadaga, FL where he works as a Professional Medium.

Reverend Johnstone is a man who is on his own Spiritual Journey in his Search for God and in the area of Spiritual Growth as well. Part of this process is achieved through the work that he does in both Canada and Florida.