Church of Spiritual Awakening


Now let us put our hymnals aside and anything that may disturb us.

Begin by getting comfortable in your seats
perhaps with your feet flat on the floor and

your hands resting in your lap in a palms up receiving position,
and then gently closing your eyes.

Begin breathing slowly and gently from your abdomen and feel yourself becoming wonderfully relaxed, as tension begins to fall away.

Feel your feet becoming relaxed, then your legs, your thighs, all perfectly relaxed.

Next your pelvic area, the abdomen, the solar plexus, and the chest area, all relaxed and feeling comfortably warm.

Now the hands, the arms and shoulders, all relaxed, all the tension in the neck area draining away, finally the head itself is relaxed.

You are now becoming completely relaxed from the top of your head to the tip of your toes.

All the physical tension is drained away, and with it has gone any emotional distress you may have been feeling.

You are feeling at ease, calm, and totally at peace, within and without.

Take a moment now to enjoy this wonderful feeling of being completely at ease.

Our Healers are available at the back of the room –
If anyone would like healing today,
please feel free to go to our healers during meditation.

(Re-start guided meditation)

Now begin to imagine yourself surrounded on all sides by an array of soft spiritual colors.

Imagine a waterfall of these warm spiritual colors a few feet above your head.

Feel their gentle, loving, warmth as they cascade around you

Take the color Violet and begin to feel it flow into you through the Crown Chakra at the top of your head. As one might guess, this Chakra is associated directly with dealings of the mind and spirit, and is deeply tied to the exploration of one’s consciousness and place in space and time. Oneness with the universe, your spirit and will, inspiration, divine wisdom… all the things that deal with the Higher Self are rooted in this Chakra.

Then we take the color Indigo as we move to the Brow Chakra which is located in the forehead, right above our eyes. This is also known as the region of the "Third Eye" This Chakra is related to our perception beyond the physical realm. Intuition, insight, imagination and clairvoyance can all be associated with this Chakra. One can also focus their realization of their own soul, divine wisdom and peace of mind in this point.

We next focus on the color of Light Blue as we move to the Throat Chakra. This Chakra is linked to one’s powers of communication. Through this Chakra, one can realize truth and knowledge; honesty, kindness and wisdom and how these elements can be conveyed through thoughtful speech.

As we move to the Heart Chakra we take a beautiful Green Color from the waterfall. This chakra is the focus for love and understanding. Feelings that stem from this love such as forgiveness, compassion, balance and harmony radiate from this point. This Chakra also nurtures the rarified feeling of unconditional or divine love, love that goes beyond the physical.

Moving down to the Solar Plexus Chakra which is located just above the navel and below the chest. We see the Color Yellow now, as this is a focus point for our force of will and our sense of transformation. Concentration and control of our personal energies originate from this point. One’s sense of power and authority, as well as self-control and discipline of the ego converge here. This Chakra can be used to sense the very use of one’s internal energies to affect what is outside the body.

The Sacral ( or Naval) Chakra is located in the lower abdomen, and a beautiful Orange Color comes to mind. This Chakra is associated with the acts of giving and receiving, and is tied into the more physical feelings of love and passion . The feeling of pleasure is also linked with this Chakra, so one may feel focus and feedback in this Chakra during moments of harmony, generosity, group creativity and selflessness.

And finally, with the Color Red, we finish with the Root Chakra which is located directly at the base of the spine, also known as the coccyx. This Chakra is closely related to the body and our ability to master it. One’s health, constitution and security are linked to this Chakra. In addition, the realization of how our bodies connect to the material world is focused here.

As all these colors flow into you, feel their healing spiritual energy pour through you, into your face and neck...into your arms and chest...into your heart...pouring down through your stomach and legs and feet until your whole body becomes part of this multi colored waterfall of healing spirituality.

Bathe in these colors for a few moments.

Feel their healing warmth flowing through every part of you. Feel them flow from the top of your head, down through your body, out through the bottom of your feet and into the ground far below.

Know that in experiencing these healing spiritual colors pouring into you, you allow the loving, healing forces of the universe into you, to help you be whole, physically, mentally and emotionally.

Feel the beauty, and the peacefulness, and the health that is in you, and know that at all times you can be at one with yourself, with god, and with the universe.

Let your mind travel now, to your favorite place, a place that only you can envision for yourself, a place where you may greet your spirit friends, be they angels, guides or counsellors, and feel the loving warmth of their presence, and acknowledge their gentle, caring support in all you do. You know that they are there for you always, you need only ask, and accept.

Healing List

While we sit quietly in meditation, let us remember the follow individuals:
(Read Healing List)


(When healers have finished, bring people back from meditation).

And now, with a silent word of thanks to the Almighty in gratitude for these few moments of serenity and peace, you prepare to return to the here and now with a renewed sense of commitment to your path of spiritual enlightenment, and a feeling of being refreshed physically, mentally and emotionally, ready to face the coming days of the week, with renewed vigour and determination.

Opening your eyes now, feeling fine and in perfect health, much better than before.

We would like to thank our healers who have worked today: NAME HEALERS.....
If anyone has received significant assistance, please let the healer know that they have been a clear channel for Spirit. If you would like to complete a Healing Affidavit, please see our Pastor, Rev. Mary.