Church of Spiritual Awakening


Now let us put our hymnals aside and anything that may disturb us.

Begin by getting comfortable in your seats
perhaps with your feet flat on the floor and

your hands resting in your lap in a palms up receiving position,
and then gently closing your eyes.


Begin by taking a couple of deep, full, breaths and let the out breath be a real "letting go" kind of breath.

As you begin breathing slowly, comfortably and easily, invite your body to relax and to let go of any unnecessary tension.

Take the time to bring your attention to each part of your body, and invite it to release and relax, letting go, easily, comfortably.

You can feel the muscles in your face relaxing.

Your shoulders are relaxing.

The muscles of your back are relaxing.

Your legs are relaxing.

Your hands and feet are relaxing.

You’re letting all the tensions go.

And your whole body is becoming more and more relaxed.

Just let it happen, releasing, letting go, relaxing even more, now feeling a warm wave of pure relaxation rolling down your body, from the top of your head, to the tips of your toes.

Our Healers are available at the back of the room –
If anyone would like healing today,
please feel free to go to our healers during meditation.

(Re-start guided meditation)

To deepen this relaxation, imagine yourself now on a path leading alongside an alpine meadow. Towering behind you are the snowcapped peaks of the surrounding mountains. The air is clean and fresh. It is late afternoon on a sunny summer’s day. The sky is a beautiful light blue with a few tall fluffy white clouds moving majestically from the horizon.

The pine trees stand tall and stately to your right, and you pick up on the strong scent of the evergreens.

To your left you can hear the rustle of an aspen grove.

Your eye catches the shimmering of the leaves in the soft breeze.

The path slopes downward. It has recently been cleared, the pine needles are brushed to the side. You feel sure-footed and secure as you walk the path leading in the direction of a meadow ahead.

As you reach the edge of the line of trees, you see a comfortable looking bench beside the path between two big pine trees. You sit down and lean back. The bench is made of rough wood, but you find it very comfortable and relaxing to sit on.

As you look around, you can see the meadow below you with its carpet of wild flowers spread out..., blue, red, white, yellow, coral, splashes of green, sunlit, bees humming, a dragonfly flits by.

You look up through the canopy of trees and see the blue sky with the tall white clouds going by.

It is serene, beautiful, peaceful.

You are conscious for just a moment of inhaling the energy, the life force, that's in the fresh mountain air, and you’re exhaling all your tensions, all your worries and concerns are flowing away.

There is just the air, the rustling leaves, the drifting clouds, the scent of pine, the rough texture of the bench all bringing a special calm, a sense of peace, a sense of inner nourishment.

An owl flies up and lights on a branch above you. It doesn’t frighten you. Rather you feel a sense of curiosity. You continue to study the owl, as it looks back at you. It ruffles its feathers before settling comfortably on the branch.

Something passes between you, some unspoken communication. You have a feeling of oneness with everything around you.. Your feeling of relaxation is even deeper. Allow yourself the time now to relax for a few moments, drawing on the beauty of the scene as you envision it, taking in the energy to re-energize and revitalize yourself.

Let this be a time of renewal for your inner spirit as you listen to the music.

Healing List

While we sit quietly in meditation, let us remember the follow individuals: (Read Healing List)


(When healers have finished, bring people back from meditation).

And now, with a silent word of thanks to the Almighty in gratitude for these few moments of serenity and peace, you prepare to return to the here and now with a renewed sense of commitment to your path of spiritual enlightenment, and a feeling of being refreshed physically, mentally and emotionally, ready to face the coming days of the week, with renewed vigour and determination.

Opening your eyes now, feeling fine and in perfect health, much better than before.

We would like to thank our healers who have worked today: NAME HEALERS....
If anyone has received significant assistance, please let the healer know that they have been a clear channel for Spirit. If you would like to complete a Healing Affidavit, please see our Pastor, Rev. Mary.