The COSA Newsletter

• UPDATES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS - Latest news from The Spiritual Awakening Spiritualist Center
• WHAT'S AROUND THE CORNER - Monthly schedule, special events, and more
• FRIENDS OLD AND NEW - Updates, news and announcements
• MEDITATION - Monthly link to a new guided meditation
• VOICES FROM THE PAST AND PRESENT - Spiritualism: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
• SPIRITUALISM AND SPIRITUALISTS - Different insights into Spiritualism's Philosophy and Beliefs
• THE TEACHINGS OF SILVER BIRCH - Questions which was Asked and Answered by Silver Birch
• FOOD FOR THOUGHT - Yet another point of view

• THE FUNNY CORNER - A little corner of the newsletter to make you smile

• AND FINALLY - Newsletter information




A Message from the President of

Spiritual Awakening Spiritualist Center


Dear Members and Friends,

I hope everyone is keeping cool, enjoying the sunshine and staying hydrated. August tends to be a busy month for ALL. Activities, family vacations etc... It is important that we all take good care of ourselves as well.

So, be sure to drink plenty of water, rest when you need to, and spend some time sitting with Spirit and yourself.

There will be a Saturday morning Mediumship Workshop on August 10th. This will be the last workshop for the Summer. Workshops will resume again in October.


After many years as a Spiritualist (44 to be precise), and on the completion of the Morris Pratt Institute ministerial correspondence course. I am excited to announce that the Church Board of Directors unanimously consented to my ordination on Sunday, August 4th, at 11:30am after the morning service. My dear friend Reverend Rosie Bouch will officiate, and all are welcome.

I have proudly been a member of our church since 2006. First as the church Secretary, and for the past 14 years as its President. I hope and intend to support the Church for many years to come.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Sending Much Love and Joy to you ALL.





Lindsay Kincaide


Rev. Rosie Bouch

Shari Dworkin-Smith

August 4th
August 11th
August 18th
August 25th

Other Events and Services:

Printable Version: Click Here

Events and Services for August 2024
Sunday 4th
From 10:00am to 10:25am: Laying On Of Hands Spiritual Healing.
10:30am: Lecturer and Spirit Messages with Medium Lindsay Kincaide Followed by an Ordination Service for Michael Davies
Sunday, August 4th, 2024, at 11:30am
Tuesday 6th
TUESDAY CIRCLE: August 6th: Healing, Meditation, Mediumship
A small love donation of $5.00 would be appreciated. Thank you
Saturday 10th
Mediumship Development Workshop
From 10:30am to 12:30p.m.
- For more information about this workshop please Click Here
or visit our website
Sunday 11th
From 10:00am to 10:25am: Laying On Of Hands Spiritual Healing.
10:30am: Lecturer & Spirit Messages with Medium Rebecca
Tuesday 13th
TUESDAY CIRCLE: August 13th : Healing, Meditation, Mediumship
A small love donation of $5.00 would be appreciated. Thank you
Sunday 18th
From 10:00am to 10:25am: Laying On Of Hands Spiritual Healing.
10:30am: Lecturer & Spirit Messages with Medium
Rev. Rosie Bouch - Spiritual Awakening Minister
Tuesday 20th
TUESDAY CIRCLE: August 20th : Healing, Meditation, Mediumship
A small love donation of $5.00 would be appreciated. Thank you
Sunday 25th
From 10:00am to 10:25am: Laying On Of Hands Spiritual Healing.
10:30am: Lecturer & Spirit Messages with Medium
Shari Dworkin-Smith - Spiritual Awakening Member
Tuesday 27th
TUESDAY CIRCLE: August 27th: Healing, Meditation, Mediumship
A small love donation of $5.00 would be appreciated. Thank you
For more information on any of these events please visit our website at:


Events and Workshops for August 2024
Ordination Service
Michael Davies
Sunday, August 4th, 2024, at 11:30am

Mediumship Development Workshop
Saturday, August 10th, From 10:30am to 12:30p.m.
- For more information about this workshop please Click Here
or visit our website

Private Readings will be available on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays & Saturday mornings, starting at 10:00am
To book, please go to the booking page on our website or click here

Please Click this link for Printer Friendly Schedule/
Calendar for August 2024 (

For more information on any of these events please visit our website at:


Happy Birthday Wishes to Members:

Evan Poppitt on the 12th.

Rhonda Rosa on the 13th.

Rev. Mary Kingslien 31st

A Very Happy August Birthday to you!


If you feel that you would like to become a member of our Spiritual Awakening Family and have been a regular for a while. Please click on the Membership link below for more information. Thank You!





Please click link below or picture to watch and hear Meditation:


A Haven for Your Mind Run Time 21:59

In this guided meditation we will help you to create a haven, a sanctuary in your mind. You can build it and return to it whenever you wish, making it your safe place. Here you can put aside everything that does not serve you, and it will be there whenever you need it.






Mr. & Mrs. Fox and their two youngest daughters Margaretta and Catherine moved into a small wooden cottage in Hydesville , New York, U.S.A., in 1847. The rapping's in the night began occurring on a regular basis and eventually, on Friday 31st March 1848 the girls were preparing for bed when they heard the noises again. The family and an investigation committee formed a code that could be used to communicate in words and numbers. Margaretta Fox did the first public demonstration of mediumship in the New York Corinthian Hall in 1849.
Spiritualism was introduced to England in 1852 by a medium from America called Mrs. Hayden, who had suffered many hostilities from churches and press. However, she was backed up by such eminent people as Sir Charles Isham, Professor De Morgan, Robert Chambers and Dr. Ashburner. Keighley in Yorkshire became the first site in Britain to establish a Spiritualist Church which was opened by David Richmond in 1853 and it was also the first place to publish a Spiritualist Newspaper called “The Yorkshire Spiritual Telegraph” in 1855. A great socialist called Robert Owen became interested in spiritualism after having private sittings with Mrs Hayden in 1854. After his death he gave the seven principles of Spiritualism through a Medium called Mrs. Emma Hardinge Britten in 1871. The Two Worlds Newspaper which was first issued in 1887 published the seven principles in 1889. Mrs Emma Hardinge Britten was known as a very good medium and had returned to England in 1866 to promote spiritualism.

Andrew Jackson Davis, born on the 11 th August 1826 in Orange County USA founded the Lyceum in New York in 1863, after giving a lecture in Dodsworth Hall, Broadway, New York., where he described the things he had seen in Summerland, how happy and well looked after the children were there. Subsequently in 1866 Mr Hitchcock opened the first British Lyceum in Nottingham. The first Lyceum conference was held in Bradford in 1886 headed by Alfred Kitson. In 1887 the first Lyceum Manual was produced in Britain. It was written by Mrs Emma Hardinge Britten, Alfred Kitson and Mr Kersey. The Spiritualists Lyceum Union became established in 1890, however the name became British Spiritualists Lyceum Union four years later. In 1948 the British Spiritualists Lyceum came together with the Spiritualists National Union and in 1951 the Lyceum Department received a letter from the SNU stating that from now on it would be know as The Spiritualists Lyceum Union.

An interesting report was printed in 1869 by the Dialectical Society which was a committee that had been formed to investigate Spiritualism. Sir William Crookes a top physicist published his report to the Royal Society in the Journal of Science in 1871.

He had set out to prove Spiritualism had no substance, but found it to be breathtakingly accurate. He remained a believer in the existence of the spirit world for the rest of his life.

1865 and 1872 saw two failed attempts at forming a national organisation for spiritualists. However, in 1873 the British National Association of Spiritualists was formed. Further in 1882 Sir William F Barrett started the Society for Psychical Research.

In the late nineteenth century it was felt necessary to form a Federation to group all Spiritualist organisations together instead of lots of isolated bodies, which saw the founding of the National Spiritualist Federation in 1890. However, they had no legal status and in 1902 found it necessary after 12 years to join with the Spiritualist National Union Ltd which was formed in 1901. This meant “The Companies Act” gave them the right to hold properties as a company limited by guarantee. The main aims of The Spiritualist National Union Ltd, which still hold fast today are to spread the religion and philosophy of Spiritualism.

In 1916 Ernest Oaten led a parliamentary campaign instituted by the Union for legal recognition of Spiritualism. Two years later in 1918 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle lent weight to spiritualism by speaking of his own beliefs in it and issued a publication called “The New Revelation”.

Arthur Findlay produced three books between 1931-1935, these were, On the Edge of the Etheric, The Rock of Truth and The Unfolding Universe. He was also the founder of The Psychic News which was edited at the time by Maurice Barbanell.

The first BBC programme on Spiritualism was given by Ernest Oaten in 1934. Spiritualism continued to grow, and quite a few notable and significant things were happening. In 1937 the Archbishop of Canterbury with Dr. Cosmo Lang and Archbishop Temple of York formed a Church of England Committee to look into Spiritualism. They issued a report on their findings, but this report was suppressed as it was found to be too favourable. The SNU also started appointing Ministers in 1939, and in 1940 the Union was given a certificate by the Government to act as a Trust Corporation.

A Helen Duncan, a Scottish medium, was famously tried at the Old Bailey in London during World War II. She was the last person to be prosecuted under the Witchcraft Act of 1735. Her trial began on March 23, 1944, and she was accused of being a fraudulent medium.

Duncan’s séances, where she claimed to produce ectoplasm and communicate with spirits, had attracted significant attention. During one of her séances in 1941, she revealed the sinking of HMS Barham before the information was officially released, which alarmed the authorities. This led to her arrest in 1944, amid fears she might reveal sensitive wartime information. After a seven-day trial, she was found guilty and sentenced to nine months in prison.

Her case was one of the most sensational

episodes in wartime Britain and led to the eventual repeal of the Witchcraft Act in 1951. She was accused of being fraudulent and was sent to Holloway Prison for nine months.

The Royal Albert Hall in London was the venue for the celebrating one hundred years of spiritualism in 1949 and a year later in 1950 the Spiritualists National Union was known as the official body of spiritualism. An extremely important year was 1951 when the Government saw fit to bring in the “Fraudulent Mediums Act”. This meant a lot to Spiritualists, as, if it was recognised that there were fraudulent mediums, this also meant there were bona fide ones. The “Witchcraft Act 1735” was abolished, and Mediums no longer had to worry about Section 4 of the “Vagrancy Act 1824”.
In 1954 the National Federation of Healers was formed. At the AGM of the Union in 1963 a motion was put forward showing a need for a Guild of Spiritualist Healers. Although the motion was proved, nothing could be done at the meeting. This was followed by a proposal

to form a Guild of Spiritualist Healers in 1964 at the Unions AGM held in Manchester, and in the same year Stansted Hall was bequeathed to the SNU by Arthur Findlay for use as a College for Psychic Science, which opened its doors in 1966. 1969 saw the inauguration of the League of Friends of Stansted Hall. In 1970 the first meeting of the Guild of Spiritualist Healers took place at Stansted Hall and the first conference followed in 1972. A new set of Articles of Association were

adopted and a new three tier system of administration was agreed upon at the SNU AGM in 1975. The Guild of Spiritualist Healers was merged with the SNU in 1994 and made responsible for healing within the Union.

Wembley was the venue for the national celebration of the SNU Centenary in 1990 on Hydesville Day March 31st.

One of the great mediums of our time Gordon Higginson MSNU passed to spirit on 18 th January 1993. He was president of the SNU for 23 years and is sadly missed, although he continues to work from the spirit side of life.

One hundred and fifty years of Spiritualism was celebrated in 1998 and leaders of major spiritual organisations met at Stansted Hall.

Finally, the Pioneer Centre at Stansted Hall was opened and dedicated in 1999 by Mrs Judith Seaman MSNU. This is now being used for Healing and many other therapies and uses.




Featured Article Contributed by Rev. Al Potts.


A kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while they were drawing. Occasionally, she would walk around to see each child's work. As she got to one little girl who was working diligently, the teacher asked what the drawing was? The little girl replied, " I'm drawing God." The teacher paused and said "but no one knows what God looks like." Without missing a beat or looking up from her drawing, the girl replied, "they will in a minute."

What is God to you, and can you honestly describe God, as the little girl tried to do? Ellen DeGeneres said, "In the beginning there was nothing, and God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. There was still nothing, but you could see it a whole lot better." For many people looking for God there is nothing, and so whatever we have to say, they may not be able to grasp the
notion that God is Love, pure love and that it is impossible to perceive such enormity in our physical mind.
Click on picture above to listen to music video
Those from the spirit world who come to pass on their knowledge to us on the earth plane, tell us that they have never seen God, but are aware of his power in everything that exists. Released from the bondage of a physical body, the soul is able to perceive the power of God within everything that has life. In the next phase of life we will be able to breathe in the breath of God, which sustains the soul and encourages it to go ever forward with its

progression. We will know God through every expression of love which brings life in all, including the animals. All fear disappears from our life and we are able to move in a positive direction into eternal life. Declare unto God, Thou art my father, my mother, my brother, and my friend. Thou art my wisdom, my light of lights and Thou art my all.

We are told by Andrew Jackson Davis that the soul is comprised of three distinct parts, Love, Will and Wisdom. When we think of love, it is a basic element of life in this world and the next. This is difficult to explain because it is abstract and conceptual, it cannot be seen or touched, but it is just as real as any thing that we experience in the world of matter. Love is
the basic element of the human soul. It conceives all of the beauty, loveliness in all things, and is the living seed of the soul.
Why then are so many people looking for God? when the perception and the spark of God are within our very being. Look not outside for God, but within, as you are the very essence of the Divine creator, and cannot be separated from the Universal power that is GOD. Look for God in everything and you will always reflect on the enormous power that reflects within each of us.

Rev. Al Potts.





The Wisdom of Silver Birch

Silver Birch is arguably the most famous guide and prolific teacher in the history of Spiritualism. Though presenting himself as a North American Indian the wisdom of this timeless master transcends both history and culture.

The philosophy of Silver Birch was channeled over an incredible 61 years by trance medium and founder of Psychic News, Maurice Barbanell.

Silver Birch not only provides us with a comprehensive description of the Spirit realm and its relation to the material plane we temporarily call home, his words also provide a blueprint for living a purposeful and ultimately satisfying life.

The message of Silver Birch is an excellent introduction for newcomers to Spiritualism, an ongoing source of inspiration for established Spiritualists, and food for thought for even the most hardened skeptics.
On The Spirit World
Silver Birch made it clear that the spirit world is not “dreamy or nebulous.” Spirits are busy with activities just as they are in the physical world. In the spirit world, the mental is real and the physical is a shadow. For example, when one dreams, things seem real at the time. The dream only becomes ethereal when the person wakes up.


On Healing
He emphasized that the Great Spirit, the apex of love and wisdom and compassion, provides everyone with the opportunity to find themselves and begin to live, not in superstition, ignorance, or darkness, but in the full light of knowledge, with serenity and confidence as their constant companions.
Every Month we will post a different Question which was Asked and Answered by Silver Birch

Silver Birch was asked about PREMONITIONS:

He replied: "As to the premonitions, these occur because individuals momentarily remove themselves from their usual three dimensional and are able to experience, however fleetingly, time as it exists in its own sphere. What you must try to realise is that time is an eternal present. It is your earthly relationship to time that determines what you call past and future. If you escape the three dimensional barriers and get in touch with time as it really is, then you are aware of what is the future, to you at the present time..."
Silver Birch was also asked about ASTRAL TRAVEL
He replied: "It happens very simply that the real you leaves your body and is able to travel vast distances, sometimes into our world, and sometimes into the further reaches of your world. Actually every one of you travels astrally when you go to sleep."




Love, Life and Parting.


LOVE - When two hearts come together and find they beat as one

The world looks so much brighter and new lives have begun

There's fun and joy and laughter, new feelings to explore

There's hope, anticipation, that's love and so much more.


LIFE - You learn to live together, know one another's thoughts

There's ups and downs and turn arounds, and tears and fights galore

There's children and there's parents, there's sickness and there's health

There's joy and consolation, that's love, that's life, that's wealth.



PARTING - Then suddenly it's over, a lightning strike hits home,

An unexpected illness that leaves you all alone

At first you don't believe it, that shouldn't happen ever

You'd really only started to build your life together.


GRIEF - Your happy world is shattered, there's heartache and there's pain,

The one person that mattered, will not be here again,

You scream. You cry, you stagger, you shake, you beat the floor,

You feel your life has ended and joy walked out the door.


PEACE - Now time has passed, as pass it must and life has carried on

You've learned again to live alone and sing a different song,

You see a face, you hear a voice, and memories overcome you,

You realize you'll meet again when Infinite Spirit enfolds you.

Rose Jones





3 Ingredient Sugar Cookies

Please click link HERE or picture to watch Video:

Making 3 ingredient sugar cookies. In this recipe video, we'll show you how to make sugar cookies with only 3 ingredients. You can make these sugar cookies with just 3 ingredients, 4 if you count sprinkles!

You're only three basic ingredients—butter, flour, and sugar—away from making these sweet buttery cookies. And we almost guarantee you have all three of them in your kitchen. Which begs the question... why aren't you making these cookies right now?! Also we know it might be cheating and adding a fourth ingredient but if you have sprinkles, add them on top before baking for a fun and festive look.
Ingredients for making 3 ingredient sugar cookies:

1/3 cup granulated sugar

1 stick plus 2 tbsp salted butter, softened

1 cup all-purpose flour

Sprinkles (optional)




Thank you for reading the August 2024 COSA Newsletter, we hope you enjoyed it and found the articles and videos interesting.

Further details of services and events listed in this newsletter, together with suggested love donation and Zoom log-in details, will be emailed directly to you prior to the event dates.

Love and light

Tanya and Michael