The COSA Newsletter

• UPDATES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS - Latest news from The Spiritual Awakening Spiritualist Center
• WHAT'S AROUND THE CORNER - Monthly schedule, special events, and more
• FRIENDS OLD AND NEW - Updates, news and announcements
• MEDITATION - Monthly link to a new guided meditation
• SPIRITUALISM AND SPIRITUALISTS - Different insights into Spiritualism's Philosophy and Beliefs
• THE TEACHINGS OF SILVER BIRCH - Questions which was Asked and Answered by Silver Birch
• FOOD FOR THOUGHT - Yet another point of view

• THIS MONTH'S MOVIE - Recommended movies we think you will like
• THE FUNNY CORNER - A little corner of the newsletter to make you smile

• AND FINALLY - Newsletter information



A Message from the President of

Spiritual Awakening Spiritualist Center


Dear Members and Friends, Season's Greetings!

The season of giving is upon us. Remember that during the holiday season let us be mindful of those who are alone, sad and/or have challenges during this time of year. Let us be benevolent in Spirit, Kind in words and show grace in our actions.

As 2024 draws to a close, I wish you all a 'Very Merry Christmas' filled with Happiness and Joy. Let us all look forward to 2025 with Hope, Peace, Amazing Possibilities', and Wonderful Adventures, in a World where Good conquers Evil, and Compassion and Tolerance abound.

Looking forward to seeing you in 2025!

Blessings, Love and Light.


Subject: It’s time to renew your Spiritual Awakening membership!

Dear Members,

We wanted to start off by thanking you for your support over the past year. With your help, we’ve been able to hold together our Spiritual family. We’ve also enjoyed many In-person and Zoom Sunday Services, Tuesday Development Circles, and Saturday Workshops with you and hope you have, too.

We have even bigger plans for this year as we get closer to securing a larger permanent facility for our spiritual home. However, we need your help to make it happen!

Please consider continuing to support The Spiritual Awakening Spiritualist Center by renewing your membership today. If you have been attending our services and circles and would be interested in joining our spiritual family we'd love to welcome you onboard. The membership renewal link as well as an application form for new membership is attached below.

If you have any questions or concerns about the renewal process, please feel free to contact me at email: Alternatively, for more information you can visit our website at:

We are so grateful for your generosity and sincerely thank you for your generous support. We hope to continue working together to keep and grow a Spiritualist presence in the Kissimmee, St Cloud, Celebration, and South Orlando area!

Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!



Tanya Soper

Rev. Rosie Bouch

December 8th
December 15th

Other Events and Services:

Printable Version: Click Here

Events and Services for December 2024
Sunday 1st

We Will Be Closed Sunday, December 1st

Have a Wonderful Holiday

TUESDAY CIRCLE December 3rd: Healing, Meditation, Mediumship
A small love donation of $5.00 would be appreciated. Thank you
Sunday 8th

From 10:00am to 10:25am: Laying On Of Hands Spiritual Healing.
10:30am: Lecturer and Spirit Messages with Medium

Tanya Soper - Spiritual Awakening Center V.P.

Tuesday 10th
TUESDAY CIRCLE December 10th: Healing, Meditation, Mediumship
A small love donation of $5.00 would be appreciated. Thank you
Sunday 15th
From 10:00am to 10:25am: Laying On Of Hands Spiritual Healing.
10:30am: Lecturer & Spirit Messages with Medium
Rev. Rosie Bouch - Spiritual Awakening Minister
Tuesday 17th
TUESDAY CIRCLE December 17th: Healing, Meditation, Mediumship
A small love donation of $5.00 would be appreciated. Thank you
Sunday 22nd

Tuesday 24th

Sunday 29th

Tuesday 31st
We Will Be Closed Over Christmas and The New Year
For more information on any of these events please visit our website at:

Private Readings will be available on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays & Saturday mornings, starting at 10:00am
To book, please go to the booking page on our website or click here

Please Click this link for Printer Friendly Schedule/
Calendar for December 2024 (

For more information on any of these events please visit our website at:


Happy Birthday To Members:

Rev. Rosie Bouch, on the 20th.

Rev. Al Potts, on the 23rd. And Rev. Geoff Potts, on the 23rd.

Cheryl Williams, on the 26th.

A Very Happy December Birthday to you All!


If you feel that you would like to become a member of our Spiritual Awakening Family and have been a regular for a while. Please click on the Membership link below for more information. Thank You!



Please click on the picture to watch and hear Meditation:


Create the perfect Christmas eve atmosphere in the run-up to the festive season.

This gentle guided sleep meditation story will take you to a peaceful village on the night before Christmas. When you close the door to the cold night and prepare to relax and sleep, you may be transported into a very festive dream...

It's perfect for insomnia, general stress relief and for people with overactive minds, especially during the festive season.

Professionally recorded, with a carefully chosen blend of high-quality music, sound effects and a calming English male narrator's voice, this superb audio production will make relaxing and/or falling asleep, a quick, pleasurable and effortless experience.



Featured Article Contributed by Rev. Al Potts.

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there'

Christmas should be a time of joy and goodwill, full of hope and happiness spent with those that we love. Preparations have been made a few months ahead and the memory of a little child spoken of, who came with hope. Hope that we can all understand the true purpose of life, not only at this time of the year, but every day of our life on this earth. The simple story of Jesus is remembered by many who wish to celebrate his teachings of spiritual growth through selfless acts in this physical world. A world that is going through many changes

at this time and makes every day life a little more hard to endure. Yet, around about October, we start to think about preparing for this great occasion. The commercials on television urge us to go out and spend money that we yet don't have, and  instead put it all on the plastic card to pay later. 50% OFF is the cry that goes up and we rush to grab a bargain before it's too late. The prophet makers sit back and count the results of a misguided love of parents at the Chrithman time. It seems that love means buying the best and most expensive gifts, even if it means  extending the loans already taken. Parents spend the next year paying off the huge amounts of money that were unnecessary in the first place, but have to be paid for. Then the whole debacle begins again as Christmas raises its head once again. We seem to think that buying expensive gifts buys the love of children, when the satisfaction is generally just momentary. How do we then take the birth of Jesus and show the simplicity of his birth and the love that the child attracted through his short life.

The understanding of the Christmas message has become influenced by big businesses who make a mockery of the true reason to celebrate Christmas. So many gifts are disregarded once the attraction of Christmas is over, and the love shared by the occasion has all but disappeared.  Jesus was born in a simple cattle shed, so we're told, so at this time of the year, let us look to a christmas of firstly love, followed by gifts given from the heart, and not from a never ending purse, which is never ending because there was very little in it in the first place.

Give us the courage to think of those who are much less fortunate than ourselves, and reach out to them with spiritual love and kindness. This costs us very little and is the true meaning of the Christmas message. Our world needs love at this time, so may we be the first to show our love, a special gift on its own, that is priceless, and let there be Peace on Earth, and let it begin with all of us..   

Merry Christmas!

Rev. Al Potts.



The Wisdom of Silver Birch

Silver Birch is arguably the most famous guide and prolific teacher in the history of Spiritualism. Though presenting himself as a North American Indian the wisdom of this timeless master transcends both history and culture.

The philosophy of Silver Birch was channeled over an incredible 61 years by trance medium and founder of Psychic News, Maurice Barbanell.

Silver Birch not only provides us with a comprehensive description of the Spirit realm and its relation to the material plane we temporarily call home, his words also provide a blueprint for living a purposeful and ultimately satisfying life.

The message of Silver Birch is an excellent introduction for newcomers to Spiritualism, an ongoing source of inspiration for established Spiritualists, and food for thought for even the most hardened skeptics.
On The Spirit World
Silver Birch made it clear that the spirit world is not “dreamy or nebulous.” Spirits are busy with activities just as they are in the physical world. In the spirit world, the mental is real and the physical is a shadow. For example, when one dreams, things seem real at the time. The dream only becomes ethereal when the person wakes up.


On Healing
He emphasized that the Great Spirit, the apex of love and wisdom and compassion, provides everyone with the opportunity to find themselves and begin to live, not in superstition, ignorance, or darkness, but in the full light of knowledge, with serenity and confidence as their constant companions.
Every Month we will post different Teaching's and Questions which were Asked and Answered by Silver Birch.

Silver Birch spoke about both the winter solstice season and Jesus Christ.

He said that the solstice season is an important of time of regrowth and resurrection, a time that the spirits receive “the greatest communion from the Great Spirit.” A festival that focuses on the rebirth of the sun is important because it represents the beginning of a new cycle. Festivals held in the physical world are also held in the spirit world. “You do not yet understand very much the influence of the sun,” he said. “At these times, we held for many days what you call séances. We received at those festivals much inspiration.”

Even though he spoke of the importance of celebrations that predate Christianity, Silver Birch also spoke about the “Nazarene.” He said that advanced spirits take advice from more developed ones. Among those spirits “is the great figure of the Nazarene, who is still imbued with the task of teaching humanity age-old truth enshrined in all that we seek to do, that love is the fulfilling of the law.”

Silver Birch explained that the Nazarene is not the deified version one sees portrayed in the churches. He explained that, “The Nazarene was a messenger of the Great Spirit who came into your world in order to fulfill a mission of the Great Spirit. He fulfilled his mission on earth, but he has not yet fulfilled the rest of his mission, which is still being directed from the world of spirit.”

The Jesus that we read about in the Bible “has since evolved and there is now a far greater spiritual consciousness expressed through him than there was in the earthly incarnation, for the amount that he expressed then had to be in consonance with the limitations of his day.” He is now a great spirit teacher who encourages them on their missions and gives them new hope.
Silver Birch also warned that it was wrong to worship the Nazarene. He said that worship should be given only to the Great Spirit. “The Nazarene came into your world by fulfilling the natural laws which the Great Spirit had ordained,” he said. “The same natural laws which all must fulfill in order to be born into your world.”
Silver Birch’s one wish was that “you could see and hear the Nazarene and feel that great love as he encourages us to go forward with new strength, with new hope, with new vision and with new purpose.” The Christmas season embodies the expectation of new growth and rebirth. Let’s keep that in mind as we celebrate the holidays with family and friends.


The Wisdom Codes by Gregg Braden

We thank Shari Dworkin-Smith for a very interesting and enlightening talk at our Sunday, November 10th Morning Service. During her lecture she left us with a strong life affirmation from Gregg Braden's Book "The Wisdom Codes" which I have included below. I hope you enjoy reading it and that it brings upliftment to you as we close 2024 and enter a new year.
Speak Your Gratitude This Morning! Speak it Out - Loud & Long!
Forgive Everybody - especially YOU!

Start today with the Power of Forgiveness & Love!

Ask for Guidance - it is always available to us!
Say what you want! Shout it out Loud! Visualize being it - having it!
Feel It! See It! Know It! Be Excited in the Knowing! Follow your Intuition & Guidance!
Do not even worry for one second about HOW It will happen!
HOW is what stops you - the "reasoning mind"!
Be Unreasonable today for a change & See Miracles!
HOW is really & truly None of Your Business! God is handling The How of It Today!
Even when you think you know, it never unfolds as you thought anyway!
So do not fret today – the How will be Powerful & Perfect!
You stir it up, be thankful & creative & unstoppable & do it all
with Great Joy & Expectancy & Enthusiasm!
Laugh & Sing & Dance & watch the Law of Attraction in Action – watch the Miracles Happen!
Give Thanks & Be the Love that rocks the world today!




Please click picture or link below to watch Movie:

Scrooge, A Christmas Carol

TV-PG rating - Release date - Running time 1:59:52


Scrooge is a 1970 musical film adaptation of Charles Dickens' 1843 story A Christmas Carol. It was filmed in London between January and May 1970 and directed by Ronald Neame, and starred Albert Finney as Ebenezer Scrooge. The film's score was composed by Leslie Bricusse and arranged and conducted by Ian Fraser. With eleven musical arrangements interspersed throughout, the award-winning motion picture is a faithful musical retelling of the original.

This movie is available for free (with Ads) on YouTube. CLICK HERE



Mincemeat & Whole Orange
Easy 'Alternative' Christmas Cake

Please click link HERE or picture to watch Video:

An easy to make Christmas Cake which is a great alternative to a more traditional heavy fruit cake. Made using a whole orange and a jar of mincemeat, this cake is delicious and tastes just like Christmas!
Recipe: Ingredients:
115g butter
50g caster sugar
1 small orange with a thin skin
2 eggs
175g self raising flour
1 jar of mincemeat
175g icing sugar
cold water
flaked almonds
Place the orange in a pan and cover with boiling water and boil for 30 minutes until the skin softens. Be careful not to allow the pan to run out of water
Once softened remove from the pan and allow to cool until just warm to the touch
Pre-heat your oven to 180oC / 160o C (fan) and grease and line a loose bottomed 8 inch round cake tin
Slice the orange in half and remove the pips. Place the pipless orange into a processor or blender and blitz to make a chunky textured orange sauce.
Then into your food processor add your butter and sugar and mix well to cream them until soft and pale
Add the eggs and beat again
Finally add the flour and mincemeat and fold until combined
Pour in to your prepared ti and bake for 45-50 mins
When your cake has cooled, remove from your tin
Make your icing by adding small drops of cold water to the icing sugar -you want a nice thick paste
Spread over your now cold cake
Decorate with flaked almonds (optional)





Thank you for reading the December 2024 COSA Newsletter, we hope you enjoyed it and found the articles and videos interesting.

Further details of services and events listed in this newsletter, together with suggested love donation and Zoom log-in details, will be emailed directly to you prior to the event dates.

Merry Christmas!

Blessings, Love and Light

Tanya and Michael