Church of Spiritual Awakening, Inc
Spiritualist Center
Mini Readings


" Mini Reading Sunday"

Please see the calendar to find out which Sunday our mini-reading day is on each month, and to see who our Guest Speaker will be.
Please mark your calendar to join us for services and stay for a reading. The readings are 20 minutes for a love donation of $20.
This is a fund raiser for our church, so please plan to participate and bring a friend.

About Mini Readings:

We usually invite a guest medium to our church for Mini Reading Sunday. At the end of the 11:00a.m. morning service a small tin is handed around and those who would like a reading take a ticket from the tin. Usually our guest will do between 3 and 5 mini readings so that is as many as can be drawn (lottery style) unless more than one medium is working that day.
Mini Readings commence at 12:30p.m. after the morning service.

We look forward to welcoming you!