The COSA Newsletter

• UPDATES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS - Latest news from The Spiritual Awakening Spiritualist Center
• WHAT'S AROUND THE CORNER - Monthly schedule, special events, and more
• FRIENDS OLD AND NEW - Updates, news and announcements
• MEDITATION - Monthly link to a new guided meditation
• VOICES FROM THE PAST AND PRESENT - Spiritualism: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
• SPIRITUALISM AND SPIRITUALISTS - Every month we'll offer an insight into Spiritualism's Philosophy and Beliefs
• THIS MONTH'S MOVIE - Recommended movies we think you will like
• FOOD FOR THOUGHT - Yet another point of view

• THE FUNNY CORNER - A little corner of the newsletter to make you smile
• SIMPLY DELICIOUS - Each month, we will include an easy and simple to follow recipe.

• AND FINALLY - Newsletter information




A Message from the President of

Spiritual Awakening Spiritualist Center


Dear Members and Friends, a Very Happy New Year to you and your family!

I sincerely hope that you all had a good Christmas and that 2024 will be a year of love and blessings for you.

We are very pleased to welcome Reverend's. Al and Geoff Potts back to Florida this January after a 2 year break. They will be taking our Sunday service on January 14th. We look forward to seeing them again in person and enjoying some time together.

We have 2 Saturday workshops during January.There will be a 'Spiritual Philosophy & Intuition Workshop' on January 13th. And a 'Mediumship Development Workshop'
on January 27th. Information about both these meetings will be emailed out to those on our emailing list prior to the events with location and workshop details. These workshops are open to anyone wishing to attend and participate. No prerequisite is required.

Just a quick reminder that Membership Dues are due as of the beginning of January each year. Thank you.

For more information on any January events please click on the link in the 'January Events' section below. Thank you.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Blessings, Love and Light.


Annual General Church Meeting.

Dear Members,

We will be holding our Annual General Meeting on Sunday, January 14th, 2024, at 12:00pm after the morning service.

We ask that as many of our members attend this meeting to discuss and vote on issues such as determining who the members of the Board of Directors should be. Also the finances and other matters concerning the future of our Church Center.

Please make a note of this meeting on your calendar and plan to attend if you are able.

Thank you.


If you would like any further information regarding any of the announcements in this section, please email us at


Upcoming Events for January 2024

There will be a 'Spiritual Philosophy & Intuition Workshop'
on January 13th From 10:30am to 12:30pm. All are Welcome!

What you can expect at this workshop are:
• Light Refreshments
• Guided Meditation
• Philosophy
• Intuition and Mediumship

This Workshop is aimed to help and improve the development of your understanding and abilities both philosophically and intuitively in a way that is Fun and uncomplicated.

There will be a 'Mediumship Development Workshop'
on January 27th From 10:30am to 12:30pm. All are Welcome!

What you can expect at this workshop are:
• Light Refreshments
• Guided Meditation
• Mediumship training

This Workshop is aimed to help and improve the development of your understanding and abilities of Mediumship in a way that is Fun and uncomplicated.

Last months workshops were well attended and we all had a very enjoyable morning sharing our ideas and inspiration.

- For more information about these workshops please Click Here
or visit our website


Michael Davies

Rev's Al & Geoff Potts

Chris Gunn

Tanya Soper

January 7th
January 14th
January 21st
January 28th

Other Events and Services:

Printable Version: Click Here

Events and Services for JANUARY 2024
TUESDAY CIRCLE January 2nd: Healing, Meditation, Mediumship
A small love donation of $5.00 would be appreciated. Thank you
Sunday 7th

From 10:00am to 10:25am: Laying On Of Hands Spiritual Healing.
10:30am: Lecturer & Spirit Messages with Medium
Michael Davies - Spiritual Awakening Center President

TUESDAY CIRCLE January 9th: Healing, Meditation, Mediumship
A small love donation of $5.00 would be appreciated. Thank you
Saturday 13th
Spiritual Philosophy & Intuition Workshop
From 10:30am to 12:30p.m.
- For more information about this workshop please Click Here
or visit our website
Sunday 14th
From 10:00am to 10:25am: Laying On Of Hands Spiritual Healing.
10:30am: Lecturer and Spirit Messages with
Reverend's Al & Geoff Potts - Spiritual Awakening Members
Tuesday 16th
TUESDAY CIRCLE January 16th: Healing, Meditation, Mediumship
A small love donation of $5.00 would be appreciated. Thank you
Sunday 21st

From 10:00am to 10:25am: Laying On Of Hands Spiritual Healing.
10:30am: Lecturer & Spirit Messages with Medium
Chris Gunn - Spiritual Awakening Center Director

Tuesday 23rd
TUESDAY CIRCLE January 23rd: Healing, Meditation, Mediumship
A small love donation of $5.00 would be appreciated. Thank you
Saturday 27th
Mediumship Development Workshop
From 10:30am to 12:30p.m.
- For more information about this workshop please Click Here
or visit our website
Sunday 28th
From 10:00am to 10:25am: Laying On Of Hands Spiritual Healing.
10:30am: Lecturer & Spirit Messages with Medium
Tanya Soper - Spiritual Awakening Center Vice President
Tuesday 30th
TUESDAY CIRCLE January 30th: Healing, Meditation, Mediumship
A small love donation of $5.00 would be appreciated. Thank you
For more information on any of these events please visit our website at:

Events and Workshops for January 2024

For more information on any of these events please visit our website at:

Private Readings will be available on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays & Saturday mornings, starting at 10:00am
To book, please go to the booking page on our website or click here

Please Click this link for Printer Friendly Schedule/
Calendar for January 2024 (

For more information on any of these events please visit our website at:



Happy Birthday To Members:

Toni Burrows, on the 11th.

Gill Shaw, on the 17th.

A Very Happy January Birthday to you both!


If you feel that you would like to become a member of our Spiritual Awakening Family and have been a regular for a while. Please click on the Membership link below for more information. Thank You!





Please click link below or picture to watch and hear Meditation:

Hope & Positivity: A Guided Meditation for New Beginnings

This gentle guided meditation will help to place you within a mindset of hope and positivity, and will help to give you respite from worry and place your mind upon a more relaxed and optimistic path.





There are two days in every week about which we should not worry, Two days which should be kept free of fear and apprehension.

One of these days is YESTERDAY. With its mistakes and cares, Its faults and blunders, Its aches and pains. YESTERDAY has passed forever beyond our control.

All the money in the world cannot bring back YESTERDAY. We cannot undo a single act we performed; We cannot erase a single word we said. YESTERDAY is gone.

The other day we should not worry about is TOMORROW. With its possible adversities, its burdens, its larger promise. TOMORROW is also beyond our immediate control.

TOMORROW, the sun will rise, Either in splendor or behind a mask of clouds, But it will rise. Until it does, we have no stake in TOMORROW For it is as yet unborn.

This leaves only one day - TODAY. Anyone can fight the battles of just one day. It is only when you and I add the burdens of those two awful eternities - YESTERDAY and TOMORROW - That we break down.

It is not the experience of TODAY that drives us mad. It is remorse or bitterness for something which happened YESTERDAY And the dread of what TOMORROW may bring.

Let us, therefore, live but ONE day at a time.




Featured Article Contributed by Rev. Al Potts.


As 2024 comes in, once again we make new resolutions for the coming year. Our thoughts turn to the past year 2023, to a year of mismanagement of our beautiful planet, after promises by successive governments throughout the world to make changes. Words seem cheap when uttered so sincerely by world leaders in meetings designed to save our planet from destruction. One by one leaders make hollow promises to alter the way of the lives of people, and to restore the habitat of wild animals which have provided us with a vast variety of species unique to our planet's diversity.
As Spiritualists we believe in all life being of a divine essence and in a state of progression, and that applies to every living creature. 2023 has seen a lack of spiritual expression in our world where religions, instead of bringing people together, are fighting often for superiority. Instead of religion giving leadership, there seems to be a lack of personal acceptance, where mankind's right to determine his own rightful pathway, is often determined by others with a detrimental attitude to free thought.

What will your resolution be for this New Year? Who will you trust to deliver what our world needs to make life better for those who follow us, the children of the future? Our resolution should be to try to correct the attitudes of those who have no concept of the reality of life. We need to make our voices heard, so that Spiritualism should be recognised as a religion of progressive and free thought, where we can be inspired by those wise ones from the higher dimensions of the spirit to make the changes required to bring our beautiful planet back on a level footing.
We need to advise our leaders to talk instead of taking actions that are designed to separate people and countries. The Master Jesus asked us to "Do unto others as we would have them do unto us." Each one of us is responsible for our lives, and we are custodians of this beautiful planet whilst we inhabit this earth plane. Let us then make our resolution to do whatever we can to influence all who make decisions on our behalf, and to bring about a change to our planet which will benefit all life which exists throughout this wonderful world.

Rev. Al Potts.



"Life Begins At Eight Thirty" / Classic 1940's Black and White Film

Please click picture to watch Movie:

This movie is available for free (with Ads) on YouTube.

Synopsis: Kathy lives in a cramped New York flat with her father Madden Thomas, a celebrated actor brought down by drink. Lame from an early age and feeling trapped with her father in her small world, Kathy is delighted to meet fellow tenant Robert. When Madden is offered the lead in a new King Lear and Robert lands a composing job in Hollywood, better times seem for a while to beckon.




In a world where logical thinking often dominates, there lies a softer, deeper connection that many overlook: the bond between creativity and spirituality. Both creativity and spirituality have been fundamental pillars of human existence for centuries.

Let's delve deeper into understanding each of these aspects and how they intertwine.

The Connection Between Creativity and Spirituality

Understanding Creativity

Creativity, at its core, is the ability to conceive something new, be it an idea, a concept, or a physical creation. It's a trait that pushes boundaries, challenges norms, and gives birth to innovation. But where does this spark of creativity come from? Many artists, writers, and innovators have expressed that their most profound ideas seem to come from a place beyond the conscious mind. The sheer diversity in forms of creative expression is astounding. Whether it's painting a canvas, crafting melodies, dancing with abandon, or spinning tales with words, these manifestations are just the tip of the iceberg when we think of creativity. Embarking on a creative journey often means stepping beyond linear thinking. It's about letting go of preconceived notions and allowing oneself to connect with a deeper, more intuitive part of the psyche.

Grasping Spirituality

Spirituality, unlike the structured doctrines of religion, is a personal and often undefinable journey towards understanding one's place in the universe. It concerns our connection to a higher power, the universe, or simply the profound mystery of existence. Differentiating spirituality from religion is key. While religion often provides a path, spirituality is the personal journey one embarks on, regardless of religious affiliation or the lack thereof. It's a quest for meaning, understanding, and a connection to the grander scheme of things.

Related Video How to be selfish (in a good way) and prioritize your own wellbeing (TODAY)

For many, spirituality is akin to a compass. It offers guidance, provides solace, and often serves as a source of strength during tumultuous times.

Where They Intersect

Have you ever been so engrossed in a task that time seemed to fly by? Or perhaps felt an innate sense of alignment while creating something? This is often referred to as 'the zone' or 'flow state', a space where the mind is fully immersed in an activity. This 'zone' shares remarkable similarities with descriptions of spiritual experiences. Both involve a sense of oneness, a deep connection, and a feeling of being part of something larger. It's no wonder that many artists attribute their work to divine inspiration, claiming their creations are birthed from a source beyond themselves. The idea of divine inspiration isn't new. Historically, many cultures and religions have acknowledged the presence of a divine force aiding the creative process. Be it muses in ancient Greece or the concept of 'Ruhaniyat' in Sufism, the bridge between spirituality and creativity is a universally recognized phenomenon.

The Benefits of Combining Creativity and Spirituality

Marrying creativity with spirituality can produce transformative experiences. When we harness the power of both, we often unearth profound insights about ourselves and the world around us. One of the primary gifts of this union is self-awareness. Diving into a creative endeavor with spiritual intent can reveal hidden facets of our personality, desires, fears, and aspirations. These revelations can lead to growth, transformation, and a clearer understanding of one's purpose. Another profound advantage is healing. There's substantial evidence suggesting that creative practices, when merged with spiritual intention, can serve as therapeutic tools. Be it journaling, art therapy, or even dance, these activities can provide solace, peace, and clarity. Lastly, by exploring our spirituality and expressing it creatively, we cultivate empathy. Recognizing our spiritual journey helps us relate to others, understand their struggles, and connect on a deeper, more genuine level.


The Science Behind the Connection

Our fascination with creativity and spirituality isn't merely philosophical or artistic—it's also scientific. Recent studies have ventured into deciphering what happens in our brain when we engage in both creative and spiritual activities. Neuroscience has shown that during moments of creativity, certain brain regions light up, particularly those associated with pleasure, reward, and decision-making. This activity mirrors the patterns observed during deep spiritual or meditative experiences. Neurotransmitters and hormones play a significant role too. Dopamine, for instance, commonly associated with pleasure and reward, sees a surge during both artistic endeavors and spiritual practices. Similarly, oxytocin, known as the 'love hormone', often spikes during moments of connection, whether with a higher power or with one's art. Several psychological studies also point to the intertwined nature of creativity and spirituality. They suggest that both tap into similar cognitive processes, revealing an intricate web of connection between the two.

Practices to Foster Both Creativity and Spirituality

Enhancing one's creative and spiritual life is a rewarding pursuit. While there isn't a one-size-fits-all approach, several practices have shown promising results. Meditation and mindfulness stand out as powerful tools. Regular meditation can not only deepen spiritual understanding but can also unlock creative potential by promoting clarity, focus, and intuition. Then there are immersive experiences. Participating in retreats, workshops, and group activities that emphasize both creativity and spirituality can be transformative. These gatherings often offer a platform to learn, share, and grow. Lastly, embracing daily rituals can be effective. Consistency is key. Setting aside dedicated time for both creative and spiritual endeavors, be it writing, painting, praying, or meditating, can yield profound benefits over time.

Addressing Skepticism

In our increasingly analytical society, the overlap between creativity and spirituality has its doubters. Some argue that creativity is a cognitive function, while spirituality is a belief system, suggesting the two should be mutually exclusive. However, human experiences aren't always so black and white. The countless testimonies of artists, writers, and creators who've felt a spiritual pull during their creative process present a compelling counterargument. It's essential to remember that while data and logic hold immense value, the human experience is vast and varied. Respecting individual beliefs and experiences is paramount, ensuring we remain open-minded and receptive. The dance between creativity and spirituality is as ancient as humanity itself. Their profound connection offers insights, solace, and a unique lens through which we can view the world. By understanding and harnessing this relationship, we stand to gain not just artistically or spiritually, but holistically, enhancing our overall wellbeing.







How to Make Bread and Butter Pudding

Please click link HERE or picture to watch Video:

Learn how to make a timeless British pud with our easy video guide. With plenty of vanilla custard, juicy sultanas and a golden crunchy sugar topping, this creamy bread and butter pudding is the ultimate comfort food.



Thank you for reading the January 2024 COSA Newsletter, we hope you enjoyed it and found the articles and videos interesting.

We have an ask? We are looking for articles, jokes, recipes and related contributions for our monthly newsletter. If you would like to contribute, take a look at the different sections of our newsletter and email: by the 3rd week of the month. We will gladly feature it in our news letter.

Further details of services and events listed in this newsletter, together with suggested love donation and Zoom log-in details, will be emailed directly to you prior to the event dates.

Happy New Year! Love and light,

Tanya and Michael